Sunday, July 24, 2005

Day 1 - Cortland to Trumansburg

Slept fitfully, up by 5:30. Heavy dew, tent soaked. Packed wet, had breakfast, and ready to leave by 7am. Left early to avoid the 8am "mass start" traffic jam of 437 riders. Reached Ithaca around 9am. Had skipped the morning rest stop, since it had only been 90 minutes of riding, and involved a 3-mile detour. Stopped at Ithaca Bakery for chocolate eclair instead :-) Reached Taughannock Falls State Park, the afternoon rest stop (due to open at 11) at 9:45 am. So, I walked the 1.5 miles RT to the 215-foot falls.

When I got back, the rest stop was open with lots of good food, including homemade cookies. Left there around 11am for the long climb to Trumansburg. Stopped for ice cream (soft strawberry!) on the way into town, and arrived at the high school campsite at 12:30.

All set up and ready to kill the afternoon by 1:30. Had a couple of hot dogs the booster club was selling for lunch, and several sodas over the course of the day. Showered and killed some more time until dinner. BBQ chicken was excellent and filling. Charged camera battery and cell phone, and spent a long time chatting with SWC group. Called Holly, got radar report about dark clouds rolling in, and went to bed around 9pm

The numbers:
51.44 miles
3:40:26 rolling time
5:30 elapsed time
14 mph average
33.5 mph max


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